Hormone Replacement Therapy Lexington
For your FREE consultation call: 800-925-1542

2285 Executive Drive
Suite 100
Lexington, KY 40505
Existing Patient questions or changes please call:
Few people realize how hormone deficient they really are. They walk around, day-to-day, with no energy, a lack of restorative sleep, and simply not feeling like themselves. They have no idea how great they could actually feel …
In order to bring hormone levels back to an optimal level, HRC Medical of Kentucky provides patients with all natural hormones that are chemically structured to be bio-equivalent to the hormones that the body produces naturally.
Get Your Life Back!
This is about quality of life. Bio-equivalent hormone replacement therapy is the best investment you will make for your overall health and well-being. Call 859-368-8832 to schedule a consultation today!